Monday, June 9, 2008

Summa, Summa, SummaTime

Time to sit back and unwind - ummmm, not with my 20 month old toddler! Now that summer is here and the days are sunny and hot, Oliver and I have seriously been on the go! What have we been up to? Let's see, playing on the big slides at the playground, walking to the library to get some books, strolling around the park, taking walks around town, buying a bike seat, installing the bike seat (thanks Dada), and taking rides on the bike (you should see how cute Ollie looks in his helmet) and taking a few trips here and there (we had a blast at the Central Park Zoo and FAO Schwarz in NYC). Phew! All of this activity has left me exhausted at the end of every day. Most of the time I have been just glancing over at my knitting, way too tired to pick it up. I have slowly been working along on a few projects:

I started this striped sweater for Oliver back in April when the days were much cooler, and now just have the sleeves left to do. I am hoping to finish this up soon even though he won't be wearing it in the sweltering heat we have been hit with lately. Good thing I sized way up on this!

I was getting a teensy bit bored with all the stockinette on the sweater so I thought I would change things up and I started a pair of socks.

I am hoping to finish both of these soon - I am knitting way too slow for all of the summer projects I have planned!